Category Archives: Fruit

Peach smoothie

So, I made a smoothie today. Well, it was supposed to be a smoothie. It’s delicious and super simple, but I don’t know if it has a weird texture because I’m used to drinking smoothies with a straw and not a spoon or if it is just super thick.


It would make an awesome pudding, like some sort of healthy custard. Or if you froze it, it would make an amazingly creamy ice cream… But I felt like a smoothie, so I put it in a glass and ate it with a spoon and pretended it wasn’t 4 degrees outside (does that weather honestly even look that cold? It’s so deceiving!).

Peach smoothie – serves 2


  • 1 can of peach slices (in syrup), prefrozen the day before (decanted and frozen, not frozen in the can)
  • 2 bananas
  • Some milk – about 100ml or more, depending on the consistency you’d prefer (add slowly to figure this out for yourself)


  1. Blend all ingredients in a food processor or blender until smooth and creamy
  2. Yum (that’s a step right?)